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Education Support Programs

Education Support Programs for Students with Albinism in Morogoro Region Introduction
Albinism is a rare genetic condition that causes a lack of pigmentation in the skin, hair, and eyes.
People with albinism are often at risk of discrimination and violence, including in educational settings. In Tanzania, students with albinism face a number of challenges in accessing and completing their education. These challenges include:
Lack of awareness and understanding of albinism among teachers and students.
This can lead to students with albinism being bullied or excluded from class activities.
Lack of access to sunscreen, protective clothing, and other assistive devices. Students with albinism are at high risk of skin cancer and other sun-related health problems, and they may also need assistive devices such as magnifiers to help them see the board or read textbooks.
Fear of violence and stigma. Students with albinism may be afraid to go to school for fear of being attacked due to superstitious and witchcraft beliefs or harassed by called bad names like Zeruzeru or white man.
Education Support Programs for Students with Albinism in Morogoro Region The Education Support Programs for Students with Albinism in Morogoro Region (ESPASAM) is a new initiative to help students with albinism access and complete their education. The program is established by the Tanzania Albinism Society (TAS) Morogoro region and is being implemented in partnership with the Morogoro Regional Education Office and different stakeholders.
The ESPASAM program has three main components:
1. Awareness and sensitization:
The program raise awareness and understanding of albinism among teachers, students, and communities. This is being done through workshops, trainings, student clubs and public awareness campaigns.
2. Assistive devices and support:
The program provides students with albinism with the assistive devices and support they need to succeed in school. This includes sunscreen, protective clothing, magnifiers, and other learning materials.
3. Advocacy and protection:
The program advocates for the rights and dignity of students with albinism and work to protect them from violence and discrimination.
4. Career development:
This is an important issue, as students with albinism often face challenges in finding and maintaining employment. There are a number of things that we do to help students with albinism prepare for and succeed in the workforce among of the of the programs include;
career guidance and counseling, job placement assistance, and entrepreneurship training.
Self-Employment Benefit Scheme (SEBS): SEBS is a government program that provides financial assistance to people with disabilities who want to start their own businesses. This Programs is linkage between people with albinism and government
TAS Morogoro under this programs works link PWAs with Vocational Education and Training Authority (VETA): VETA offers a variety of vocational training programs that can help students with albinism develop skills for employment.
By providing students with albinism with access to career guidance, counseling, work experience, and other support services, we can help them to prepare for and succeed in the workforce. This programs benefits both students and employers, as it helps to create a more inclusive and diverse workforce.
How to Get Involved There are a number of ways to get involved in the ESPASAM program:
Donate :
You can donate money to help support the program’s activities.Donate now
You can volunteer your time to help with awareness-raising activities, tutoring students with albinism, or providing other support services.
You can advocate for the rights of students with albinism by talking to your elected officials, writing letters to the editor, and spreading awareness about the challenges they face. For more information about the ESPASAM programme, please contact the Tanzania Albinism Society (TAS) Morogoro region through our contacts Please click here

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