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Inclusive and Sustainable Livelihood for People with Disabilities in Mvomero District FCS/MDG/2022/2960

TAS Morogoro is Implementing the Inclusive and Sustainable livelihood For People with Disabilities project funded by Foundation for Civil Society (FCS). This project if for 8 months from 01st September 2022 to 30 April 2023.
The intervention aimed to improve the living standard of people with disabilities through strengthening equal access to socio-economic opportunities and into decision-making organs in Nyandila, Muhonda, Sungaji, Hembeti, Mvomero and Mkindo wards of Mvomero District in Morogoro Region.
The project covers the following activities; public sensitization meetings, capacity building training to village committees of people with disabilities, entrepreneurship and business skills for PWDs, and awareness among caregivers.
This project work hand in hand with local government officers, representative of the organization of people with disabilities (OPDs) in the wards and district level, caregivers, journalists, and the community.
This project expects improved participation of People with Disabilities and their caregivers in political, Economic, and social life, with diminished attitudinal, infrastructural, and policy barriers. Also, the project expects improved entrepreneurship and financial skills for PWDs and their caregivers by 2023 in Mvomero District.

Funded by FCS

Unlocking local opportunities for People with Disabilities phase 2

The project seeks to scale up results achieved in the 1st phase of the previous project advocated for enabling environment, identifying and accessing local opportunities available for PWDs, particularly in creating employment. Key successes of the 1st phase of the project include increased awareness of PWDs on availability of the interest-free 2% of the funds from the district councils, the contribution of the establishment of the PWDs Committees in 9 districts, as well as development and submission of the charter of demand.
In the one-year previous time, 75 entrepreneurial groups were established and accessed the 2% interest-free funds for their businesses. However, neither the established committees in all 9 district councils are not effectively using the charter of demand nor the established entrepreneurial groups have access to financial sources other than the district councils for their business growths.
This project wants to develop capacity of the ten (10) Committees of PWDs in Morogoro on how to use the developed charter of demand for increased access to available opportunities with particular focus on increasing employment; improving access to market, financial and technical support to entrepreneurial groups of PWDs in nine (9) districts; increased political participation of PWDs in village/street, ward, district and regional levels in Morogoro and; increased public awareness on the rights, opportunities, and abilities of PWDs through open camp
aigns and effective use of social and traditional media.
At the organizational level, the project seeks to develop social media strategy that will be along with the establishment of the YouTube channel and regularly update the existing website and social media pages.
This will play a big role not only in communicating the work of the project but also will increase the organizational visibility, engage community members and mobilize resources hence sustainability in turn

Funded by Voice Global

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